Sunday, July 14, 2013

Micro Loan Scheme (MLS)

Rotary Club O Baglung-Micro Loan Scheme (MLS) 
         On 2013 June 27 the MLS amount was distributed for 12 members (clients) each NRs. 20000.00(Twenty thousands only) for the period of 20 months and every one will return monthly  NRs. 1000.00 as installment basis. All the clients are very happy and thanks to received the loan amount because they are all needy people and wants to start small business and farm. The loan was distributed on the presence of AG Rishi Ram Sapkota, Rtn. Binod Koirala of RC Pokhara Fishtail, President Balkrishna Sharma, PE Bhabanraj Baral, IPP Nabin Khadka, VP K.B. Shahi and other fellow rotarians from RC Baglung.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

रोटरी भनेको के हो ?

/f]6/L eg]sf] s] xf] <
/f]= s]=lj= zfxL  
Vice-President  2011-2012 
/f]6/L Sna afun'ªsf] :yfkgfM
     ;dfh / ;]jfdf ;dlk{t ljleGg k}zfdf k]zfut bIftf ePsf k|ltli7t JolQmx?sf] ;xeflutfdf o; ;'Gb/ gu/L afun'ªdf ;g\ @))^ cS6'j/ ^ tfl/s tbg';f/ lj=;+= @)^# ;fn c;f]h @) ut] z'qmjf/sf lbg /f]6/L Snj ckm kf]v/f ld86fpgsf] k|fof]hgdf /f]6/Log d's'Gb zdf{ kf}8]nsf] cys k|of;df wf}nfllu/Ls} klxnf] /f]6/L Snjsf] ?kdf /f]6/L ?kdf /f]6/L Snj ckm afun'ªsf] :yfkgf ePsf] lyof] .
       /f]6/Lsf] d"n l;4fGt "Service Above Self" cyf{t æ:jfy{ eGbf dfly /x]/ ;]jf u/Æ nfO{ ljZjsf ;a} /f]6/Ln] cfkm\gf] d"n dGq dfGb} cfPsf 5g\ . h; cg';f/ /f]6/Logn] oyf;Dej c?sf nflu u/Lg] ;]jf d"ns sfo{nfO{ k|fyldstf lbO{ sfd ug'{ k5{ .
/f]6/Lsf $ ;'q  (4 way test) :
         /f]6/Logn] sfd ubf{ oyf;Dej lgDg $ ;'qnfO{ dgg u/L sfd ug'{ plrt x'G5 h;nfO{ /f]6/Ldf  4 way test sf] gfdn] lrlgG5 M
!= Is it the truth - s] ;To s'/f oxL g} xf] t _
@= Is it fair to all concerned - s] of] ;j}sf nflu /fd|} x'G5 _
#= Will it build good will and better friendship - s] o;n] ;befjgf / d}qLsf] j[lb unf{ _ 
$= Will it be beneficial to all concerned - s] o;n] ;j}nfO{ enf] unf{ _
   lo rf/ ;'qnfO{ /f]6/Lsf l;4fGt / cfrf/0f ;d]tsf] ?kdf dfGg ;lsG5 .
/f]6/Lsf p2]Zox? M
        /f]6/Lsf d"ne"t p2]Zox? @ j6f 5g\ !_ Fellowship @_ Social Service lo b'O{ d"ne"t  
 p2]Zox?sf ;fy} lgDg s'/fnfO{ klg /f]6/Lsf] p2]Zosf] ?kdf lnOG5 .
Ø     ;]jf ug]{ cleofk|fon] lrghfg ;Dk{s / ;DjGw lj:tf/ ug]{ .
Ø     pRr g}ltstf sfod /fvL cfkm' ;+nUg k]zf Joj;fo ;~rfng ug]{ / cfkm\gf] k]zfsf] u/Ldf
    j9fpg] u/L sfd ug]{ .   
Ø     ;fgf] 7"nf] h'g;'s} k]zfsf JolQmnfO{ e]befj gu/L ;Ddfg tyf sb/ ug]{ .
Ø     k|To]s /f]6/Logn] cfkm' ;+nUg k]zf Jojzfodf ;]jfsf] cfb{znfO{ k|fyldstf lbg] .
Ø     k]zf Joj;fo jf ;d'bfo dfkm{t cGt/fli6«o ;dembf/L, zflGt / ;b\efj JoQm ug]{ .

/f]6/Ldf ;b:otf k|bfg ug]{ Joj:yf M
       Membership made by Invitation not Application eGg] dfGotfsf cfwf/df ljleGg k]zf, Joj;fo df ;]jf/t /xL /x]sf jf ;]jf lgj[t ePsf #) jif{ pd]/ k"/f u/L cfkmgf] k]zf Joj;fosf] g]t[Tj txdf /xL e"dLsf lgjf{x u/]sf OdfGbf/, nuglzn / g}ltsjfg JolQmnfO{ s'g} /f]6/Logn] k|:tfj  u/L gfd gfd];L 6]a'n u/LG5 . ;b:otf ljt/0f ;ldltn] l;kmf/L; u/]kl5 Snjsf] af]8{ a}7s / lgoldt ;fKtflxs a}7sn] ;j{;DdtLn] cg'df]bg u/]kl5 /f]6/Log jgfpgsf nflu k|:tfj u/LG5 . tTkZrft k|:tf ljt /f]6/Logn] Sjnsf lgoldt ;fKtflxs j}7sdf ;xeflu e} /f]6/L Snjsf] ;b:o jGg nfUg] b:t'/sf] hfgsf/L u/fPk5L & lbg leq /sd lt/]/ ;b:otf k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 . o;/L Snjjf6 ;b:otf k|fKt u/]kl5  lghsf] ;b:otfnfO{ cg'df]bg ug{ /f]6/L OG6/g]zgndf k7fOG5 / RI af6 cg'df]bg e} cfPkl5 ljlwjt /f]6/Log aGg] Joj:yf 5 . cGoyf /f]6/Ldf ;b:otf JolQmnfO{ l;w} lbg gldNg] k|fjwfg klg 5 .

/f]6/Lsf] txut Joj:yf (Hierarchy of Rotatory)  M
s_ Interactors:  
       afn–aflnsf tyf o'jf o'jtLnfO{ jfNosfnb]vL g} ;dfh ;]jf / dfgj ;]jfdf cle?rL hufO{ g]t[tj / Ifdtf ljsf; u/fpg] p2]Zon] !@ jif{ b]lv !* jif{ ;Ddsf o'jf o'jtLx?sf] ;xeflutfdf /f]6/L Snan] cfkm\gf] k|fof]hgfdf cfkm\gf] dftxtdf /fVg] u/L Interact Sna u7g ul/G5 . ;g\ @)!) ;Dddf ljZjsf !@) b]zdf !)*@# Snjdf @ nfv $* xhf/ (@( hgf Interactors /x]sf 5g\ .
v_= Rotractors:
       !* jif{ k"/f e} #) jif{ ggf3]sf o'jf, o'jtLsf] ;xefuLtfdf /f]6/L Snan] cfkm\gf] dftxtdf /xg] u/L Rotract Club u7g ug{ ;lsG5 . Rotract :yfkgf ubf{ z'?df o"o; 8n/ %) /f]6/L OG6/g]zgndf btf{ z'Ns ltg'{ k5{ . tTkZrft\ k|To]s Rotract n] aflif{s ? %)). – Dues ltg'{ kg]{ Joj:yf 5 . ;g\ @))& June ;Dddf !%& b]zdf, ! nfv ^% xhf/ !&& Rotractors x? 5g\ . Rotract Club sf] ;Vof &,!&( /x]sf 5g\ . 
u_ Inner Wheel:
      /f]6/Ldf gePsf /f]6/Log k'?ifx?sf wd{kTgLx?sf ljrdf kf/Ljf/Ls ldqtf, cfk;L ;xof]u, ;befjgf a[l4 u/L ;fdfhLs sfd ug]{ p2]Zo af6 Inner Wheel ;d"xsf] u7g u/LG5 .
3_ Rotary Club:
        #) jif{ pd]/ k"/f u/]sf Rotary Snj u7g x'g] If]qdf s'g} k]zf, Joj;fodf ;]jf/t /x]sf jf lgj[t ePsf  JolQm dWo]jf6 sDtLdf @) hgf ;xefuL agfO{ s'g} Pp6f Snjn] k|fof]hg u/L Rotatory Club  u7g ug{ ;lsG5 .
ª_ Rotary District
         k|To]s #,# jif{df x'g] Rotary sf] Joj:yfksLo a}7sn] tf]s] adf]hLd /f]6/L Snj / /f]6/Logsf] ;+Vof k'u]kl5 Rotary District  sf] u7g ug]{ Joj:yf 5 . ;g\ @))* Nov. ;Dddf ljZjsf @)& b]zdf %#@ j6f Rotaty sf] district u7g ePsf 5g\ . g]kfndf ;g\ @))* July ! jf6 #@(@ Nepal Rotary district u7g ePsf] 5 . h;sf] klxnf] District ue{g/df tLy{ dfg zfSo lgjf{lrt x'g' ePsf] 5 .

Rotary International
       /f]6/L Snjsf] hGd ePsf] % jif{ k5L RI Sofg8fsf] ljuk]gdf ePsf] xf] . RI df /f]6/L Snj dfq ;b:o x'G5g\ . /f]6/L OG6g]zgndf JolQmut ;b:otfsf] Joj:yf 5}g RI cGtu{t RI district sf] dftxtdf Snjx? /xg] Joj:yf 5 . k|To]s jif{ June df k|To]s /f]6/Logn] efu lng kfp5g\ eg] k|To]s Rotary Club jf6 Pshgf Delegets  cf}krfl/s ?kdf k9fpg ;lsg] Joj:yf 5 .

/f]6/L Snjsf kbflwsf/L kbfjwL / lgjf{rg M
      /f]6/L Snjdf h'nfO{  ! b]lv h'g d;fGt;Dd !@ dlxgfsf] cjlwnfO{ /f]6/L jif{ elgG5 . /f]6/L Snjsf]  kbfjwL ! jif{sf] x'g] ub{5 . /f]6/L Snjsf sfo{sf/L0fLdf - cyf{t jf]8{df _ Ps hgf cWoIf lgjt{dfg cWoIf Ps hgf cfufdL jif{sf] cWoIf (President Elect) pkfWoIf ! - jf cfjZostf cg';f/ j9L _ ;lrj !, sf]iffWoIf !, % hgf ;ldltsf cWoIfx?, ;h]{G6 P6 cfd{ !, k|sfzs / ;+kfbs ! cfjZos 7fg]df ;x;lrj, ;xsf]iffWoIf / klg /fVg ;lsG5 . t/ ;x–;lra / ;x–sf]iffWoIfnfO{ jf]8{ j}7sdf dtflwsf/ x'b}g . k|To]s jif{sf] nflu !* dlxgf cl3 President Elect sf] lgjf{rg / ^ dlxgf k"j{ cWoIf afx]s jf]8{sf] lgjf{rg ;DkGg ug{sf nflu af]8{ a}7saf6 lgjf{rgdf pd]bjf/ gx'g] JolQm dWo]af6 lgjf{rg ;ldlt u7g u/L lgjf{rg ;DkGg u/LG5 .
Rotary Legislation - /f]6/L Joj:yfksLo a}7s _
     Rotary International sf] k|To]s #,# jif{df Rotary sf gLlt lgodx? ;+zf]wg ug{ / gof“ lglt lgod lgdf{0f ug{sfnflu /f]6/Lsf] Joj:yfklso a}7s a:b5 . o; a}7sn] g} Snj / ;b:o ;+Vofsf cfwf/df District sf] dfGotfk|bfg ub{5 . ;g\ !((* df a;]sf] Rotary legislation %) Snj / @@)) /f]6/Log ePdf District sf] dfGotf lbg] gLlt kf; u/]sf]df ;g\ @))@ df j;]sf] RI sf] Joj:yflksLo a}7sn] &% Snj / @&)) ;b:o k'u]kl5 District sf] dfGotf lbg] gLlt th'{df u/]sf] lyof] . Rotary Legislation n] Ri District jGg tf]sLg] Snj ;+Vof / ;b:o ;+Vofdf ;–;fgf d'n'ssf nflu ckjfbfTds ?kdf ljz]if Joj?yf u/L sd Snj / ;b:o ePklg lbg ;lsg] gLlt cg'?k g]kfnnfO{ kgL :jtGq District sf] ?kdf ;g\ @))* July ! b]lv #@(@ District g]kfnsf] dfGot lbOPsf] 5 .
Rotary International Convention - /f]6/L OG6/g]zgnsf] jflif{s ;Dd]ng _
        Rotary International sf] cfof]hgfdf k|To]s Sjjf6 ! hgf Formal delegates sf] ?kdf / cGo ;j} ljZj e/sf /f]6/Log ;b:ox?n] ;xefuL x'g kfpg] u/L k|To]s jif{sf] June dlxgf leqdf Convention df ;xefuL x'g]n] RI sf] 3f]lift sfo{s|d cg';f/ ;Dd]ng x'g]  hfg] d'n'sdf hft] cft] ef8f P+j vr{ cfkm}n] Joxf]g'{ k5{ . pQm d'n'sdf sfo{qmd cjlwe/ /xbf a:bfsf] nfUg] b:t'/ Go"gtd ?kdf tf]sL ;"lrt u/L ;xefuL u/fOg5 .
/f]6/L / ljljw lkgx? M
        k|To]s /f]6/LognfO{ ;b:otf k|bfg u/L ;b:otf lbbf RI 4f/f :jLs[t ul/Psf] /f]6/L lrGx c+lst lapel pin nufOlbG5 . tTkZrft x/]s /f]6/Logn] /f]6/Lsf ;fKtflxs j}7s, Snj P;DAnL j}7s, RI convention cflb Snjsf sfo{qmd ;d]tdf /f]6/L Pin nufO{ hfg' x/]s ;b:osf] st{Jo dfgLG5 . /f]6/Lsf sfo{s|d / of]ubfg cg';f/ /f]6/LognfO{ ljleGg lkgx? k|bfg ug]{ ul/G5 . sltko Snjn] /f]6/Lsf] ;fKtflxs a}7s P+j cGo sfo{s|ddf lkg gnufO{ cfpg] ;b:onfO{ :j]lR5s ?kdf Snjdf /sd k|bfg ug]{ Donatoin sf] Joj:yf ldnfOPsf] kfO{G5 .
s_ RI sf] jflif{s Convention df Pp6f d"n dGq jf gf/f lgdf{0f u/LG5 / RI Convention sf] gf/f cg';f/ lkg lgdf{0f ug]{ u/LG5 .
v_ /f]6/Lsf ;+:yfks P+j kl/sNkgfsf/ jlsn Paul Pericival Harris sf] ;Ddfg / ;Demgfsf vflt/ k|To]s /f]6/Logn] ;dfh ;]jfdf vr{ ug]{ u/L Paul Harris Fellowship sfo{qmd cGt{ut o'P; 8n/ !))) /sd k|bfg u/] kl5 Paul Harris lkg k|bfg ug]{ u/LG5 .
u_ Celebrate Rotary 100 years c+lst lkg /f]6/L :yfkgfsf] ;o jif{ k'u]sf] pknIfdf lgdf{0f u/L /f]6/Logx?nfO{ k|bfg u/LPsf] lyof] .
3_ /f]6/L Snjdf cWoIf, ;lrj / Director x?n] nufpg] Pin kb cg';f/ cnu lgdf{0f u/L ljt//0f ul/G5 .
/f]6/Ldf ;b:otfsf k|sf/ M
         /f]6/L Snasf] @ k|sf/sf ;b:o x'G5g\
!= Active Member
             /f]6/L Snasf] ljwfg ljlgod jdf]lhd Snadf ;b:otf k|fKt u/]sf /f]6/Log ;lqmo ;b:o elgG5 .
@= Honorary Member
          ;dfhsf ljlzi6 / c;fwf/0f JolQmnfO{ tyf Snadf pGn]vgLo ;xof]u ug]{ JolQmnfO{ Snjsf] jf]8{ j}7sn]
lg0f{o u/L Honorary Membership  lbg ;lsG5 . Honorary Member lj/n} ?kdf k|bfg ug]{ ul/G5 . Honorary Membership slt cjlwsf] nflu lbg] eGg] s'/f Snasf] jf]8{ j}7sn] lg0f{o ub{5 .
      s'g} klg JolQmn] Ps eGbf j9L Snadf Ps} k6s bf]xf]/f] ;b:otf lng kfOb}g / s'g} JolQm Ps} k6s Rotract | Rotarian ;b:o klg aGg ;Sb}g, Snadf Ps} ;fy Active Member | Honorary Membership lng kfOb}g .
/f]6/Logn] ltg'{kg]{ b:t'/ Rotary Dues :
s= RI Dues: cu|]hL dlxgfsf] July 1 jf6 June d;fGt ;Ddsf] !@ dlxgfsf] cjwLnfO{ Rotary Year elgG5 . tbcg';f/ RI sf] nfuL July 1 b]vL December ;Dd ^ dlxgfsf] nflu k|yd cw{jflif{s b:t'/ U.S. 8n/ @$=%) / bf];|f] cw{jflif{s January b]vL June ;Ddsf] nflu U.S. 8n/ @#=%) u/L hDdf $*=)) 8n/ Dues ltg'{ k5{ .
v_ District Dues : Nepal District #@(@ sf nflu k|lt /f]6/Logn] ? (%)=)) District Dues ltg'{ k5{ u_ Rotary Magazine Dues: Rotary Magazine | RI District | Magazine sf nflu k|lt ;b:on] jflif{s ? $*)=)) k|lt jif{ #! July ;Dd df k7fO;Sg' k5{ .
3_ Charter Dues : k|To]s Rotarian n] Charter x“bf Psk6s s]xL /sd ltg'{ kb{5 . #% jif{ eGbf sd pd]/df /f]6/Log aGg] JolQmnfO{ eg] pQm /sd sd lt/]  k'Ub5 .
/f]6/Laf6 kfOg] s'/f M
Ø     /f]6/L Sna dfkm{t Fellowship cyf{t ldqtfsf] bfo/f a9fpg ;lsG5 .
Ø     Fellowship to Service sf] dfGotf cg';f/ ;fdflhs / dfgljo ;]jfdf lqmol;n ePkl5 cfTd;Gt'i6L kfOG6 .
Ø     ;]jf ug]{ df}sf k|fKt ubf{ uf}/jsf] cg'e"tL x'G5 . 
Ø     JolQmj / g]t[Tj Ifdtfsf] lasf; u/fpg ;lsG5 .
Ø     k|]d / ;b\efj k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 .
Ø     ;dfh /fi6« / kl/jf/ k|ltsf] lhDd]jf/L / bfloTj jf]w u/fp“5 .
/f]6/Ldf lbg] s'/f M
      x/]s /f]6/logn] P3  sf] dfGotf cg';f/ /f]6/Ldf lbg ;lsG5 . h; cg';f/ M
!= Participation cGt{ut /f]6/Lsf sfo{s|ddf ;xefuLtf hgfP/ / cfkm'df cGtlg{lxt ljz]if1 ;]jf k|bfg u/]/ .
@= Presence cGt{ut /f]6/Lsf sfo{s|ddf ;do lbO{ pkl:yt x'g] k|lqmofnfO{ klg ;xof]usf] ?kdf d'Nofªg      ul/G5 .
#= Payment /f]6/Lsf sfo{s|ddf cfly{s ;xof]u k|bfg u/]/ tyf /f]6/L kmfp08];gdf /sd  bfg u/]/ .
;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3 / /f]6/Lsf] ;DjGw M
       ;g\ !($% df ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3sf] j8fkq tof/ ug]{ qmddf $( hgf /f]6/Logn] ljleGg @( j6f k|ltgLlw d08ndf ;xefuL e} UNO sf] j8fkq agfpg] sfo{df ljlzi6 ;xof]u u/]sf lyP o;]sf] kmn:j?k UNO sf] dxTjk"0f{ j}7sdf Rotary sf] k|ltgLlwTj /x]sf] 5 .
Rotary foundation / ;xof]u M
    ;+;f/sf /f]6/L Snan] ug]{ dfgljo / ;fdflhs ;]jf ug{sf nflu ;g\ !(!& lt/ @^=%) US 8n/jf6 Pp6f cIfosf]if :yfkgf u/Lof] . ;g\ !(@* df cfP/ o;nfO{ Rotary Foundation  gfdfs/0f u/Lof] . ljZjsf ljleGg ;fdflhs ;:yf dWo] 7"nf] Foundation sf] ?kdf /x]sf] 5 . o; Foundation sf] cIfosf]ifdf @ c/a 8n/ /sd /x]sf] 5 . ;g\ @))*÷@))( df Rotary n] o; sf]ifdf !@ s/f]8 8n/ Rotary Foundation a9fpg] nIo 5 . /f]6/L Foundation df ljleGg /f]6/Logn] cly{s ;xof]u ug]{ ub{5g\ . Rotary Foundation df !)) cd]/LsL 8n/ lbg]nfO{ PHFSM pkfwL / !))) 8n/ lbg]nfO{ PHF Fellow pkfwL ? !) xhf/ 8n/ lbg]nfO{ MPHF (Multi Paul Harris Fellow) pkfwL k|bfg u/LG5 . /f]6/L z}IfLs ;xof]udf Graduate Fellowship, Under  Graduate Fellowship, 6]SgLsn Training Scholarship, ckfªnfO{ k9fpg] 5fqj[lt, kqsf/Ltf k9g] 5fqj[lt, ljZj ljBfnosf k|fWofksnfO{ 5fqj[lt cfbL k|bfg u/LG5 .
/f]6/L kmfpG8];gaf6 g]kfndf ;xof]u M
        ;g\ !(*% b]vL ljZjaf6 kf]nLof] pGd'ng ug]{ of]hgf jdf]lhd g]kfndf Polio Plus sfo{qmd RI sf] ;xof]u x'“b} cfPsf] 5 .
(Sources courtesy from different magazine and complied by Rtn. K.B. Shahi, Vice President 2011-2012)

Interact Club Of Holy Child School

Interact Club of Holy Child School's Board Meeting and Assembly, Elected new Board members for 2012-2013 President : Kishmita Lama and Secretary Bina Sharma with 31 members in the presence of Advisor Rtn. KB Shahi KB

Monday, December 20, 2010


Photo Gallery

4 Avenues

Four Avenues of Service - Overview

The Object of Rotary is to “encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.”  Rotary is a service organization.  Since 1910, the Rotary Motto has been “Service Above Self.”

Rotary strives to achieve it’s objective of “Service Above Self” through activities in four primary areas.  These are often referred to as the Four Avenues of Service.

Club Service
This “Avenue” promotes the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.  It involves the activities necessary to make the Club function successfully and achieve its goals.
Click here to find out more about Club Service at Rotary Club of Baglung.

Vocational Service
This area represents the opportunity that each Rotarian has to represent the dignity and utility of one’s vocation as an opportunity to serve society.  Rotarians promote and foster high ethical standards in business and professions and promote the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations.
Click here to find out more about Vocational Service at Rotary Club of Baglung.

Community Service
This “Avenue” relates to the activities that Rotarians undertake to improve the quality of life in their community.  Particular emphasis is given to helping children, needy families, the aged, the handicapped, and those most in need of assistance.  Rotarians strive to promote the ideal of service in their personal, business, and community lives.
Click here to find out more about Community Service at Rotary Club of Baglung.

International Service
In this area, Rotarians strive for the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.  International Service Projects are designed to meet the humanitarian needs of people in many lands, with particular emphasis on the most underprivileged children and families in developing countries.
Click here to find out more about International Service at Rotary Club of Baglung.


Information on this page came from the following sources:
The Object of Rotary page on the Rotary International web site
The ABCs of Rotary by Clifford L. Dochterman, published by Rotary International


The RI president’s monthly message
December 2010
Cowboy logic
I have adopted “Cowboy Logic” as my theme song
 for two reasons. The first is its happy music that
reflects the warm and positive atmosphere of Rotary
club meetings around the world. The second is the
common sense and simple approach expressed in its lyrics.
Fifty years ago, I often heard the expression “Keep Rotary simple.” That admonition has been lost in the intervening years, and I want to remind Rotarians that the basic concept of Rotary service is simple. Club members, who are community leaders, learn to know and respect one another through their weekly meetings, which create friendship, fellowship, and networking. When a community need is identified, the club members find they have an amazing ability to fill the need because they have the leading business and professional leaders in the community as their members, and they know how to get things done!
The same simple approach works for club service, vocational service, and New Generations service projects. Rotary clubs have the talent to assess and prioritize the needs of their communities. They also have the expertise and resources to address the needs, if the clubs keep their members informed and motivated. The communications within the club must be simple – and frequent!
Perhaps it is in international service that the simplicity of Rotary is most evident. Rotarians learn that their fellow club members are trustworthy, and as they meet Rotarians from other countries, they realize they are similarly trustworthy. As a result, Rotary friends from faraway places are easily made and kept, and the resulting cooperation between clubs for international service projects is truly astounding!
The “Cowboy Logic” song says that cowboys have a simple solution for just about everything. So do Rotarians! It is called the spirit of Rotary, and its hallmarks are fellowship and service. Together, we can make the world a better place by making our clubs Bigger, Better, and Bolder. So let’s do it! That’s cowboy logic!
RI President Ray Klinginsmith